Book Title: Viva School Atlas ( With CD )
Product Code / ISBN Code: 9788130929224
Syllabus: All
Publisher: Viva
Language: English
The revised and updated Viva School Atlas best suits the requirements of the Indian School curriculum with its thematically arranged maps and interesting graphical presentation of facts. The extensive coverage of India is followed by focused and informative sections on all the continents, oceans, and the poles, plus a comprehensive section on the world as a whole. All these make Viva School Atlas the best resource for learning geography both in the classroom and at home.
Key features:
Interactive CD: The interactive CD accompanying Viva School Atlas makes learning lively with engaging animations and challenging activities.
Its features include:
Astronomical Geography • Earth and Atmosphere • Geographical Information • Map and map reading
India: India - Physical; India - Political; Jammu & Kashmir; Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh; Rajasthan, Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli; Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand; West Bengal, Sikkim, and the North-Eastern States; Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha; Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Goa; Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry; Union Territories; India - Temperature and climatic regions; Rainfall and physiographic divisions; Geology, soils, land use and natural vegetation; Minerals; Irrigation and drainage basins; Forest and wildlife; Power projects; Food crops; Cash crops; Industries; Roads; Railways; Air & sea routes and population; Tourism; Natural hazards; Statistic - 2011; History - I, II, III, IV
Asia: Asia- Physical; Political; West Asia; South-East Asia; North Korea, South Korea and Japan; South Asia; Russia and neighbouring countries; Asia-climate and natural vegetation; Asia- agriculture, minerals, energy and population
Europe: Europe- Physical; Political; United Kingdom and Ireland; Europe- climate and natural vegetation; Europe- agriculture, minerals, energy and population
Africa: Physical; Political; Climate and Natural Vegetation; Agriculture, minerals, energy and population
North America: Physical; Political; United States of America; North America- climate and natural vegetation; North America- agriculture, minerals, energy and population
South America: Physical; Political; Climate and natural vegetation; Agriculture, minerals, energy and population
Australia and Oceania: Australia and New Zealand- Physical and Political Oceania; Australia and New Zealand- climate, natural vegetation, economy and population
Polar Regions: Arctic Ocean and Antarctica
World: Physical; Political; Climate; Climatic regions, natural vegetation and agriculture; Minerals, Industries and population; Religions; languages and air & sea routes; Environmental concerns; Europe- World War I and World War II
Countries statistics • Countries- flags • Index • World-Quick Facts • Activity Sheets • Glossary